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Our Purpose:


“the advancement of photography in all its aspects”



Our Priorities:


  • Improve all aspects of  ‘association’ with our camera clubs, through ‘professional, fair, open and transparent’ competitions – judging and adjudication.

  • Promote the excellence of NIPA images, in competition and exhibition, with PAGB, IPF and beyond - through ‘professional, fair, open and transparent’ selection.

  • Encourage and develop our current, and future, NIPA judges and lecturers.

  • Improve all aspects of NIPA communication through our ‘Public Relations Office’, our website, and presence on social media.

  • Formalise the roles and responsibilities of some of our Committees, to ensure they have the support they need.



Our Plans:


We aim to achieve, all of the above, in a number of ways.


  • Council Meetings. Primarily; all our work is discussed, and agreed, through our NIPA Council meetings.

  • Committees. Our NIPA committees, behind the scenes, accomplish most the work. These are made up of volunteers; who tirelessly devote their time, knowledge, skills and experience.

© Copyright 2024. All authors retain the copyright © of their images. All correspondence to
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