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NI Photographic Association Day
th June 2021

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The Northern Ireland Photographic Association is very pleased to announce the hosting of an Association Day


Free and open to all members of NIPA affiliated clubs, this will be an opportunity for the Association to come together to celebrate our shared passion for photography, learn from world class photographers and recognise the successes of the individuals and clubs that are NIPA.  


To allow as many people as possible to enjoy the event we are pleased to say that up to 500 attendees can join in for the day.


Our "NIPA Day” will take place on Saturday, 12th June from 10.45am until approximately 4pm (with a break for lunch).  


Our esteemed speakers will be:

  • Sharon Prenton Jones MFIAP MPAGB FIPF ARPS ABPE EFIAP/p  


We will also celebrate the successes of NIPA clubs and individuals by showcasing the recent achievements of two photographers in gaining accreditations. Anita Kirkpatrick FPSNZ AIPF LRPS and Sian Kerr LRPS BPE 1*.

The programme for our NIPA Day will be:

  • 11am - 12.30pm Sharon Prenton Jones - 'A Creative Obsession'

  • 12.30pm - 1.00pm Interviews with Anita Kirkpatrick and Sian Kerr 

  • Lunch

  • 2.00pm - 3.30pm Chris Palmer - 'The Eloquent Landscape'

This event will be free to enjoy but we would ask that you consider making a suitable donation to the PIPS Charity.  

PIPS Charity provides support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives. PIPS also provide support to those families

& friends who have been touched by suicide.

We feel strongly that at this time, such a charity is worthy of your support.  You may make a donation in your own way or by Paypal via (Catchlight have volunteered to collect donations).

We would ask all club Secretaries and Chairs to actively encourage all their members to attend and make a success of our NIPA Day and celebrate the very best of our shared passion.

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