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Celtic Challenge

  • An informal grouping of 7 or 8 Celtic regions in the British Isles and Brittany exists to organise the annual Celtic Challenge.

  • There are three sections, Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and PDIs

  • The venue for the competition and responsibility for its organization rotates around the Celtic Regions, a judge is chosen from outside these regions. 

  • The Celtic Challenge is won by the region which has the highest total of marks over the three sections.

  • Individual awards are given to the authors of the top entry in each section.

  • Entries for the competition are selected by NIPA from the work of individual members of its member clubs.

  • NIPA Club members can submit 50cm x 40cm mono prints, colour prints, and 1600px x 1200px open PDIs (including Nature PDIs) for selection. 

  • Each competing region is required to provide 10 images in each competition. A minimum of three photographers must be represented in each section.​



Competition Results 2017

NIPA Selection 2017

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