Northern Ireland Photographic Association

Benefits of Membership
There are two questions that people often ask about the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA). The first is, "Why should my camera club join NIPA?" The second is, "What's in it for me?" The answers are linked; as clearly many of the benefits to the individual, are a direct result of their camera club being a member of NIPA! Here is a summary of the benefits:
Benefits of Membership - to Clubs and Societies
(Why should my camera club join NIPA?)
The opportunity to compete, as a club, in a broad range of competitions organised by the Association. Click here to find out more.
The social aspect of the Inter-Club adjudication & display events. Club members are invited to view the full competition entries and catch up with friends from other camera clubs.
The right to representation on the NIPA Council. All Member Clubs have an equal say in the running of the Association.
Access to the PAGB’s Public Liability Insurance scheme. The most comprehensive scheme available to clubs at rates that are competitive and have the appropriate level of cover. Such insurance is a statutory requirement.
The availability of the NIPA Judges and Lecturers. Access to the PAGB’s lists of Lecturers and Judges prepared to visit any of the Member Clubs.
Access to the PAGB Recorded Lectures and related information. Each lecture is by an acknowledged expert and encourages useful discussion and debate at a club event.
Permission to adopt the NIPA’s Child Protection Policy.
Advice and guidance to new camera clubs, based on experience.
Benefits to Members
(What's in it for me?)
The opportunity to meet and share knowledge, skills and experience, with other like-minded individuals, in a relaxed social atmosphere.
It provides the structure and opportunity to submit your work to inter club competition, and possibly have it selected to go forward to represent the association at national, or possibly international level.
It enables you to submit your work for possible inclusion in NIPA’s Annual Exhibition. If selected, it will be seen in a select list of exhibition venues throughout Northern Ireland
The opportunity to submit work to the NIPA selectors; who choose work that represents the NIPA, in the PAGB’s Inter-Federation Competitions. A selection of images adjudged by an appointed panel is chosen for the PAGB’s Annual Exhibition. This Exhibition is subsequently shown in major venues throughout Great Britain.
The opportunity to attend various events & lectures organised by NIPA. Speakers / judges at such events are usually from other Federations, and bringing them to Northern Ireland is probably beyond the financial scope of member clubs.
The facility to apply for the PAGB’s Photographic Honours (CPAGB, DPAGB and MPAGB). These honours are life long and involve no continuous financial commitment once attained.
Members are encouraged to seek recognition for their skills through application to other like-minded professional bodies if they so desire. (FIAP, RPS,)
For those club members interested in the arts of Audio-Visual Presentation, there is an annual Audio-Visual Festival held in the excellent facilities at Ballyearl Theatre in Newtownabbey. Any club member can submit their compilation. Those who wish to, can and do, go on to submit a presentation to the PAGB, or to obtain their letters in Audio Visual skills.
The Roy Finlay Memorial Natural History Competition is held each year. You are invited to submit a selection of images that capture the beauty and features of life in the natural world.
This list is closely linked to the benefits of your camera club being part of NIPA. It is only as such; that many of the benefits, to the individual, shines through.